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Jorge Delgado Troncoso

Jorge Enrique Delgado is an education scholar. Dr. Delgado has a PhD in Social and Comparative Analysis in Education (Administrative and Policy Studies in Education) from the University of Pittsburgh, which he complemented with a Certificate in Latin American Social and Public Policy. He also holds a Master’s in Education (Curriculum and Administration) and a Bachelor’s in Dentistry from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana—PUJ in Bogotá, Colombia. Dr. Delgado worked 15 years as a professor at one of PUJ School’s Research and Education Department where he was responsible for research management; professional development of fellow professors; evaluation and assessment; university accreditation; and teaching courses in research methods, scientific reading/writing, and public health. He was also a professor of research methods in the post-doctoral program of Saint Thomas University in Bogota. Currently, Dr. Delgado is an instructor at the University of Pittsburgh where he teaches courses in Social Foundations of Education, Comparative Education, and Latin American and Caribbean policy and general studies. He has also taught courses in the Master’s in Global and International Education online program of Drexel University. He is also the editor-in-chief of the Universitas Odontologica scientific journal at PUJ. He is the Co-chair of the Education and Education Policy Section of the Latin American Studies Association and the former Secretary and Co-chair of the Higher Education SIG of the Comparative and International Education Society. Dr. Delgado’s most recent research focuses on migrant children’s education as well as the institutionalization and development of research and communication of knowledge among Latin American universities. Dr. Delgado also has extensive experience working with Latino and international communities/organizations in education, health and social programs. Other of his recent experiences include working with migrant Central American children in the US and a needs-based assessment with the Latino community in the Pittsburgh area.


  • PhD in Administrative and Policy Studies, Social and Comparative Analysis in Education, August 2011. School of Education, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, United States. Dissertation title: “Journal Publication in Chile, Colombia and Venezuela: University Responses to Global, Regional, and National Pressures and Trends”
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Latin American Social and Public Policy, August 2011. Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, United States
  • MA in Education, May 1995. School of Education, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia. Thesis: “Formative Value of the Authority-Autonomy Dilemma in Education Settings”. Emphasis: Curriculum and Administration Studies
  • Bachelor’s in Dentistry, June 1989. Dental School, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Colombia. Thesis: “Anatomy with practical application for dentists”


  • Delgado JE. (2015). “Multi-Campus Teaching-Oriented Private Higher Education Institutions in Colombia. Analysis of Four Cases.” Comparative and International Higher Education; 7(2-3). 17-23. Available at: http://higheredsig.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/33/2017/03/Number07-04.pdf.
  • Delgado JE. (2014). “Scientific Journals of Universities of Chile, Colombia, and Venezuela: Actors and Roles” [“Revistas científicas de universidades de Chile, Colombia y Venezuela: actores y roles”]. Education Policy Analysis Archives; 22(34, Special issue: The Future of Educational Research Journals).
  • Delgado Troncoso JE. (2014). “Revistas científicas odontológicas de libre acceso en Iberoamérica y Colombia” [“Iberic-American and Colombian Open Access Scientific Dental Journals”]. Revista Facultad de Odontología Universidad de Antioquia; 26(1). 126-151. [Bilingual publication]. Available at: http://aprendeenlinea.udea.edu.co/revistas/index.php/odont/article/view/14345/16884.
  • Delgado JE. (2014). “Challenges and Trends of Academic Publication: Views of Journal Editors in Comparative and International Education” [“Retos y Tendencias de la Publicación Académica: Visión de los Editores de las Revistas en Educación Comparada e Internacional”]. Revista Latinoamericana de Educación Comparada; 5(5): 182-189.
  • Delgado JE, Weidman JC. (2012). “Latin American and Caribbean countries in the global quest for world class academic recognition: an analysis of publications in Scopus and the Science Citation Index between 1990 and 2010.” Excellence in Higher Education; 3(2). 111-21. Available at: http://ehe.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/ehe/article/view/73/59
  • Delgado JE. (2011). “Role of Open Access in the Emergence and Consolidation of Refereed Journals in Latin America and the Caribbean” [“Papel del acceso abierto en el surgimiento y consolidación de las revistas arbitradas en América Latina y el Caribe”]. Revista Educación Superior y Sociedad; 16(2).
  • Delgado JE. (2011). “University research in Latin America and the United States: evolution, roles, and challenges.” International Studies in Education; 12(2), 76-91. Available at: http://iise.pitt.edu/sites/default/files/newsletter/ise201109.pdf
  • Delgado JE. (2010). “Trends in the publication of refereed journals in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking Latin America.” Comparative & International Higher Education; 2(2), 43-9. Available at: http://www.higheredsig.org/cihe/Number02-14.pdf